Course Outline


  • Overview of Bot Framework Composer features and advantages
  • Navigating the UI

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing Composer
  • Building bot framework from source
  • Configuring a proxy server

Creating a  Bot

  • Using the Empty bot template
  • Creating simple interactions
  • Testing the Bot

Adding Bot Functionalities

  • Creating greetings and responses
  • Enabling suggested actions or follow-up options
  • Asking for user input
  • Managing conversational flows
  • Adding LUIS for language generation

Extending Bots with Code and APIs

  • Setting up multi-user authentication
  • Customizing UIs with Package Manager
  • Building complex conversation workflows

Testing and Publishing Bots

  • Running bots on emulator and web chat
  • Debugging and validating bots
  • Provisioning Azure resources
  • Publishing Bots to Azure


Summary and Next Steps


  • A general understanding of chatbots


  • Web developers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)