- Any management, supervisory or leadership role.
- Team Members Looking to enhance their team skills.
- Any operational leaders looking to enhance their inter-personal skillset.
There are misconceptions that Human Factors (HF) is a discipline which is only applicable to safety critical industries like aviation, medicine and the oil & gas sectors. In fact, there are tangible benefits to investing in HF beyond improving safety.
Improved Operational Efficiency: Giving a team the tools to allow them to manage workload, problem solve and make effective decisions equips them with the ability to handle work-related difficulties without the need for higher level intervention. Regardless of the setting, front line team members are able to handle complex, dynamic situations.
Enhanced Employee Engagement and Brand Reputation: Empowering team members to manage work situations increases employee engagement and improves customer interactions. An organisation that can demonstrate a commitment to improve and invest in its staff will reap the benefits of increased job satisfaction.
Reduced Absenteeism, Increased Retention: Time off work due to stress and fatigue can be partly addressed through HF training. But workplace morale is undoubtedly going to affect individual stress levels. Investment in a combination of stress & fatigue management training and introducing peer support programmes demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being that Deloitte suggests will result in a 500% return in reduced absenteeism and improved retention.
In summary, the same skills that help pilots, surgeons and oil rig drillers can be applied far more frequently to benefit an organisation beyond safety.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Understand the basic principles of human cognition.
- Apply their understanding to the development of cognitive tools to enhance performance.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the key principles required to enhance compliance, reliability and performance.
Format of the Course:
- Instructor led.
- Scenario based presentations, briefings and accident analysis.
- Break out scenario workshops and group presentation.
This course is available for delivery in English only currently