Course Outline

Introduction to Jira

  • Overview of Jira
  • Understanding issue types and workflows
  • Navigating the Jira interface

Configuring Jira Projects

  • Creating and configuring projects
  • Defining issue types and schemes
  • Customizing project settings

Using Custom Fields in Jira

  • Creating and managing custom fields
  • Different types of custom fields
  • Best practices for using the custom field

Screen Configuration

  • Screen schemes and their role
  • Adding custom fields to screens
  • Configuring issue view, edit, and create screens

Workflow Essentials

  • Introduction to Jira workflows
  • Creating and modifying workflows
  • Adding transitions and statuses

Workflow Automation

  • Validators, conditions, and post functions
  • Implementing workflow automation rules
  • Ensuring data integrity and consistency

Advanced Form Management

  • Security and permissions in Jira
  • Issue type schemes and permission schemes
  • Role-based access control

Jira Add-ons and Integrations

  • Exploring Jira Marketplace
  • Selecting and installing relevant add-ons
  • Integrating Jira with other tools

Best Practices and Case Studies

  • Review of best practices for form management
  • Real-world case studies and success stories
  • Tips for optimizing form-related processes

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic knowledge of Jira's interface and functionality


  • Project managers
  • Software developers
  • IT professionals
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (4)